Tag Archives: Moloko

Brew Review: Moloko Milk Stout

21 Sep

Brew:  Moloko Milk Stout

Brewed by: 3 Floyds Brewing Co. (Munster, IN)

Style:  Milk Stout (8.0% ABV)

3 Floyds brewing has consistently had a loyal following for a variety of reasons.  However, I have not found a brew yet that really sticks me in that group as a big time follower.  I have enjoyed their beers for the most part but nothing really stands out as extraordinary from what I have tried.  Granted I haven’t gotten to try Dark Lord (with a small exception) and I haven’t really gotten a hold of their regular year-round line up offerings which might be where the really good stuff lies.  With the Moloko milk stout I am hoping I do find one of those beers that will make me a fan of 3 Floyds until the end.

The milk stout poured out a nice rich black color.  Pitch black, no light shines through.  Perfect color for the style.  Pretty much like milk, if it was black.  There is a nice light tan head that rises about 2 inches off the top of the brew but it dissipates quickly.

The aroma is sweet.  A decent ‘dry’ stout smell comes at me but with a distinct sweet smell.  It’s like you can smell the lactose milk sugar that they threw in there on top of the oats and other ingredients.  There is also some milk chocolate that peeks through in the aroma.  Not much by way of hops or bitterness.

The taste was silky smooth.  By far the most impressive part of this brew was how smooth it was.  All the golden naked oats they threw in there really did their job well and made this ale a smooth sipper.  The body of the brew was also fairly moderate, I was expecting something a little heavier but I think the way it turned out was a plus.  It wasn’t sticky and didn’t weigh you down or cloy up my mouth.   The main problem with the brew was that there wasn’t much taste to speak of.  they really hit the nail on how the beer should look and drink but they forgot to put anything in there that would make it taste good.   I can get a faint chocolate note along with a hint of lactose but that’s about it. 

Fairly disappointing, overall.  Not much in the taste department.  It looked good and smelled decent but where the beer should be good, aka the taste, it really fell flat.  I think Moo Joos from Brau Brothers or a solid porter would serve me better in the future. 

Final Grade: B-